
A permanent solution that will last a lifetime.

An implant is an artificial device made of titanium which simulates the root of a tooth.

It is placed surgically and given time for bone to heal and completely support it. Once this happens it can be used as a support for an individual tooth. Implants can be used as supports for bridges and tighter fitting dentures as well.

Benefits of Implants

There are significant benefits to consider when researching implants. When teeth are lost, the bone of your jaw tends to decrease.  Placing an implant gives the bone an anchor to stabilize around.  Implant selections are customized every case and are used to restore your bite, smile and support your speech. They won’t get cavities, do not require damaging adjacent teeth and are a permanent solution to tooth replacement. 

Come in every 6 to 9 months.

Make sure any dental problems are promptly caught and treated when they are still small to prevent further complications and maintain optimal oral health.

Contact us to book an appointment…